The address is 160 N. Ridge St. Port Sanilac, MI (MapQuest will change the street name, but this is OK)

I-94 East to Port Huron. Once in Port Huron, I-94 ends. Follow the signs to M-25. Turn left onto M-25 and go north to Port Sanilac (app. 1/2 hour). After going through the little town of Port Sanilac, you will see an IGA grocery store/gas station on your left. The drive way is right across the street. Turn right into the driveway.

Take I-69 east to Port Huron. In Port Huron, I-69 merges with I-94. Follow the directions above.

Take M-53 north to M-46. Turn right onto M-46. M-46 dead ends in downtown Port Sanilac (at M-25, or mainstreet Port Sanilac). Turn left and go app. 1/4 mile. You will see the IGA/gas station on the left.

Take I-75 to M-46 and take it east to Port Sanilac.